Wallpapers and calendars: December 2021
Rationality to fight the inner Octopus
Many of us remember the Octopus tentacles that corrupted his mind by putting his ego and vanity first. It's a great analogy of a common situation in trading when the thirst for profit can overshadow your rationality and the plan you've stuck to initially. Don't let the tentacles of unnecessary risk destroy everything you've earned or can possibly earn in the future. Instead, stay dedicated to the analytical and well-thought financial strategy. And unlike the movie scene, sometimes you don't even need to be stunned with an electric shock from Spiderman to get back to normal.

Cautiousness against the Green Goblin
Just as the Green Goblin was trying to persuade Spiderman to become his partner in the first Spiderman movie, some untrusty vendors may expect you to join them in your trading journey by making a promising but scam offer. Always stay rational and consider any offers and promotional discounts with a clear head. Before agreeing to a deal with any vendor, research its background and history with other traders. And remember: there's no such thing as a free lunch in this world! That's the only way you can always stay invincible against any potential Green-Goblin-like vendors.